
What is Akronswap?

Akronswap is a decentralized exchange that protects LPs and swappers from negative maximal extractable value (MEV), specifically, LPs from loss-versus-rebalancing and swappers from sandwich attacks.


To passive liquidity providers on Akronswap

To swappers on Akronswap

  • Traders pay almost zero dynamic swap fees if their swap amount is small, because dynamic swap fee is at most the price impact (e.g. if the price impact is 0.5 bps, traders pay a fee of at most 0.5 bps).

  • Traders are protected from front running, back running and sandwich attacks, which generate huge profits for attackers each week.

  • Arbitrageurs can use Akronswap as "arbitrage opportunity of last resort" after opportunites on other pools have been arbitraged away.

Last updated